Written by Jiya Khurana
When we hear the word “childhood”, it has a bittersweet ring to it. We remember a time when our worries were few, our dreams big, and our care for the world nonexistent. We were content, even happy, without having to lift a finger. Now? Yikes.
It’s application season, folks. If you’re going into grade 12 like me, you’ll know that at present there is one huge giant looming over you constantly. Its name is “adulting.” It’s waiting for you, just one more year before it takes you. It’s terrifying knowing that your 12 years of schooling have built up to this moment, and that the next few hundred words you may put down on paper and send off to someone who will be judging that every word can seal your fate. But no pressure, right?
In all honesty, it’s not as scary as it sounds. It’s not crucial to have every single move planned out for the rest of your life. Whether you’re graduating this year, or you’re not even close, it’s important to remember that nothing is permanent. Mistakes will be made, but they can be worked through. Things won’t go the way they were planned to, but they won’t stay wrong forever. If you hold onto life too hard, it will want to let go of you. Work with it, walk alongside it, not against it. Feel it out, listen to it, hate it for a while, but enjoy its company.
“We’re not kids anymore.” It’s true. We’ll never be able to go back to that care-free time, and it will slip further away from us day by day. We’re going to grow up, it’s simply bound to happen. We’ll experience so many new things: new hobbies, new opportunities, new jobs, new friends, new loves, new hurts, and everything in between. And that’s okay, because our kid selves would be proud if they could see us right now. So love the ride, and don’t worry too much about the future. Just know that we are going to grow up, and that’s a beautiful thing.